How to Hire a Web Developer the Right Way

Looking for a top-notch web developer to take over your business website? Web developers are plenty available in the modern job market. However, hiring the right person for your company is still as tricky as ever. Here are several tips that will ease the process of hiring a web developer for your company:

Experience is Important, but It’s Not All

Obviously, your business would prefer a highly experienced candidate or a contractor for the job. Experience is a major plus, but don’t make it the sole qualifying factor. New web developers fresh out of university may not have the experience, but may have the creativity and skill your company seeks. If you value experience, consider hiring a third-party contractor with many experienced developera available for your site.

Ask about the CMS Platforms they are Familiar with

Sometimes the simple questions can make a world of difference? If you are looking to build an ecommerce website, then you need to look for Magento developers.

Don’t hire a WordPress expert for the job. Some content management systems, like Magento and Drupal, require specialised skills. Therefore, ask the prospective candidates how familiar they are with a platform. Experience with the CMS the site will be built on would be a major plus for a new hire.

Understand the Technical Expertise Your Business Needs

Companies often confuse the technical skills web designers, graphic designers, and web developers need. A graphic designer is a digital artist who would use software like Adobe PhotoShop or Illustrator to create visuals. A web designer, on the other hand, would be familiar with coding languages in addition to graphic design software. A web designer would need to know HTML and CSS, including their latest versions.

A web developer is a coder, who will know essential programming languages like JavaScript, PHP, CSS3, and HTML5. This is in addition to web design skills. You would need a web developer for custom creating web components for a site.

It’s important to understand the difference between the three when hiring a web developer. Some web developer contractors combine web design, graphic creation, and development work, so you get the whole package in one. When you hire on an individual basis, you would have to assess each candidate on the technical skills he or she has.

Good Communication is Essential

Don’t hire a bespectacled nerd who cannot actually articulate his or her thoughts and talk well with other teams involved with the website creation process. Good communication is absolutely essential for getting the project off the ground and done on deadline.

There’s no special test to check this. You can ascertain how well a job candidate communicates from the interview. Ask questions in a manner as you would in a project. You can do follow-up phone interviews as well.

Try a Trial Period

If you are not sure how well a particular candidate might fare, hire them on a trial basis. Some candidates will be willing to try out the company on a temporary basis. This is advantageous to both thee employer and the employee. At the end of the trial period, you, can decide whether to hire the candidate full-time or not.

Use the above suggestions to narrow down the field of web developer job. A third-party contractor might be able to fill in the shows if an individual candidate doesn’t cut it.

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