VCE Hacks – 5 Things You Need To Know Before Heading Into The VCE Exams (A)

Going through your final years of high school comes with a whole range of emotions. From the excitement of turning 18 and moving on with secondary schooling, to the stresses of studying for VCE exams and planning what comes next for you. To help you prepare for the big exams at the end, here are five important things to be aware of throughout the year:

1. Tutors Can Be Beneficial For Everyone

You don’t need to be failing a class or taking an uncommon elective to call for extra help. VCE English is the only compulsory subject in the state and every year, plenty of students struggle or have their marks scaled down due to the popularity of the course. That’s why many average and even high-grade students will look into VCE English tutors in Melbourne. A tutor experienced in supporting students in Year 11 and 12 can be a great asset to anyone’s study schedule as they will provide you with one-on-one support you cannot get in class. They’re also familiar with the steps necessary for getting through VCE and acing your final exams. 

2. Your Course Guide Is Your Bible

One of the biggest mistakes many VCE students make is failing to look over the VCAA course guide for each of their subjects. Consulting with your teachers and studying with your friends is well and good but at the end of the day, your assessors are following a strict set of universal guidelines set by the VCAA – All of which are outlined in detail and publicly available online. So make sure you include studying your course guides in your study routines and plan your revision according to them. 

3. Taking Official Past Exams Is Better Than Private Practice Exams 

The importance of using VCAA information to your advantage doesn’t stop with knowing your course guide. They have various other resources available including an archive of VCE exams from past years as well as the answers. When it comes to the content revision though, you should prioritize taking exams from previous years or anything available from VCAA. These are designed according to your Course Guide and may be similar to the exams you will take. 

4. Practicing Under Strict Exam Conditions Is Very Worthwhile 

Taking practice exams is a great way to get used to working in timed exam conditions and improving your reading and question response time. To get the best advantage, take these practice sessions as seriously as possible. This means, no leniency with your time restraints, no snacks, no phones and no breaks. To keep the discipline, studying with your peers and designating somebody to supervise and keep time can be helpful. 

5. Poor Sleep And Snacks Can Impact Your Performance 

Study all-nighters, snacks that are full of either too much sugar (or too much salt) and drinking lots of caffeinated beverages are not just student stereotypes – they are habits that are detrimental to your health. While going through your VCE years, it’s important to keep as healthy as possible for your own wellbeing but also your performance as studies have linked poor nutrition and health habits to exam performance. You also won’t be negatively impacted by stress as much and less susceptible to getting sick. So, don’t forget to prioritize your wellbeing, keep a healthy diet and get lots of exercises in this year.

Give yourself the best chances of acing your exams this year and follow through with all of the above points. Don’t forget to take adequate breaks and time for yourself. VCE is important but it does not define you as a person and is not the be-all-and-end-all of your academic life. Good luck!

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