When to Get All-on-4 Implants

If you have extensive tooth loss, all-on-4 implants are a great option to consider. But there are certain things you need to consider before undergoing this procedure. You have to be in a certain level of health to be a candidate for this and you should be confident about your ability to maintain good oral health so that your implants can last a long time.

If you have a lot of missing teeth in one or both of your arches,

All-on-4 implants is one of the treatment methods you can consider to restore functional and appearance. You can ask your dentist about the risks of this procedure along with the cost of all-on-4  implants; the cost tends to be higher compared to traditional dentures but this will come with more benefits. When you have a lot of teeth missing, it can be difficult to speak or chew. And you may experience some self-consciousness when smiling. But you will not need to worry about these things when you go ahead with all-on-4 implants. Your oral function will be restored and you will once again have your natural smile. Even if you feel that you can live with tooth loss, you have to educate yourself about the impact of tooth loss in your life. In addition to problems with chewing and eating, you will face certain difficulties related to digestion. This is because chewing is one of the first steps in digestion. And having teeth is very important in speech as your clarity of speech will deteriorate without them. You may not be able to pronounce certain words.


When there are no teeth to stimulate the jawbone, it can lead to bone loss which can affect your facial structure. You will have a sunken appearance. But you need to have healthy jawbone to integrate the all-on-4 implants effectively. If this is not present as a result of other factors or missing teeth, the quality of jawbone can be improved with bone grafting. This will ensure your jawbone is able to support the implants. You should also take sufficient time off for healing. Even though this is a less invasive procedure compared to traditional implants, you still need time to heal and this will allow the implantsto integrate with the jawbone successfully. The stability of the implants can be achieved in a few months but you have to follow the advice of your dentist when it comes to aftercare.

You should also be in a stable medical condition before getting the all-on-4 implants.

There are some conditions such as autoimmune disorders or diabetes that can affect the healing process so you need to speak to your dentist about how to manage your healing. And you need to maintain good oral habits before and after the procedure. This includes brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the dentist on a regular schedule. This will help you achieve positive outcomes in your journey. You also need to prepare yourself psychologically for the impact of these changes and have a realistic view about the discomfort immediately after the surgery.
